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Last Updated: 6/4/2013 3:46:13 PM

How can I update and create new user for my account?

How to Manage Account Settings


At MyBizMailer, we made it easy for our customers to update and change their account information.

The instructions below will guide you towards how to update your account and how to create new users.     

    1. Make sure that you're logged into your MyBizMailer account.
    2. Hover over the "Dashboard" area and then click on "Account Settings"

      Account Settings

      You will then be taken to the "Account Settings and Information" page which looks like this

      Account Settings and Information page

    3. Click on Logins and Email Address
      Logins and Email Address
    4. You will then be directed to the "Account User Access" page. Once on this page you can either edit the current active users listed within the system or create a new user. 

      To Edit Contact Information
      Click on the Edit Contact Information button next to the user from the main user list. Logins and Email Address

      To Add A New User
      Look in the bottom right area of the page for the "+ Add new user" button. This option will allow the user (customer) to add another person to his/her account

      Logins and Email Address
      In order to Add New User, the following information is required. Once you have filled in the necessary information, click on Create User. 

      Logins and Email Address

Please keep in mind to contact our customer support if you need further assistance.