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Last Updated: 10/11/2013 4:45:07 PM

Why Can't I View/Download My Detailed Campaign Reports?

Do you love pouring over your email campaign reports? We sure do. And we know that you may be eager to dig into the stats from your latest campaign but sometimes you may hit a system roadblock. You may be prevented from viewing or downloading these reports.

In this article we go through the reasons why your account may have had this functionality disabled.


Cannot view or download detailed campaign reports


Why Can't I View or Download My Detailed Campaign Reports?

There's three main reasons why this functionality has been disabled for your account:

1) High Spam Complaints (.3% or Higher)

2) High Hard Bounce Rates (2% or Higher)

3) Dubious Account Activity 


How Long Do These Limitations Last?

Please keep in mind that we continuously review all accounts and we will remove these limitations when we believe the account has remained in good standing for more than 60 days. 


But I Need To See These Detailed Reports So I Can Manage My List(s) Effectively

If you're concerned about emailing subcribers who have hard bounced, registered a spam complaint against your account or have unsubscribed you don't have to worry about this. The MyBizMailer system ensures that these types of subscribers will not be emailed again from your account.