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What Can Cause High Hard Bounce Rates?

MyBizMailer is strictly a permission based email marketing/newsletter delivery service. This means we do not allow lists that do not have proper opt-in confirmation.

The three main reasons behind High Hard Bounce Rates are:
1) Purchased Lists
2) Stale Lists
3) Offline Lists

Purchased Lists:
MyBizMailer is strictly a permission based email marketing/newsletter delivery service. This means we do not allow lists that have been purchased or acquired from someone who has a purchased list. These types of lists provide low quality subscribers, usually cause High Hard Bounce Rates and more often than not contain spam trap email addresses which ultimately lead to blacklisting.

Stale Lists:
It’s tough to find that sending frequency sweet spot. But the truth of the matter is that if you haven’t emailed your subscribers for a while there’s a high chance that your Hard Bounce Rates will go through the roof when you do send out your latest campaign.

Offline Events:
Did you collect a bunch of email addresses at the last trade show or event you attended? Great! But did you get express written (documented) consent to email these people on a regular basis? MyBizMailer is strictly a permission based email marketing/newsletter delivery service. This means you need permission to email your subscribers.